Saturday, November 11, 2017

To Make Eggs in Moonshine

From A Proper new booke of Cookery, England, 1545:

Take a disshe of rose water and a dissh full of suger and set them vpon a chafyngdisshe & let them boyle / than take the yelkes of eight or nyne egges new layde and put them thereto euery one from other / and so let them harden a litel / and so after this maner serue them foarth and cast a lytell Sinamon and Suger vpon them.

My Redaction:

12 egg yolks1/2 cup rosewater
1/4 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Bring a syrup of the sugar, water, and rosewater to a bare simmer in a wide pan. Very gently transfer each yolk into the syrup, keeping them apart from each other. Make multiple batches if necessary. When the yolks start to firm a little and whiten on the underside, gently lift them out into custard dishes, spoon a bit of the syrup onto each, and serve warm with a bit of cinnamon sprinkled on top.

Serves 10, or perhaps 12 if you break fewer yolks than I do.


They're a little weird, but (almost) all of my test eaters enjoyed them quite a bit. The crucial thing is the texture of the yolks, which should still be a bit soft, but not at all runny.

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