Saturday, November 11, 2017

To Cook Gourds in Pottage

From Forme of CuryEngland, 14th century:

Take young Gowrdes; pare hem and kerue hem on pecys. Cast hem in gode broth, and do þerto a gode pertye of oynouns mynced. Take pork soden; grynde it and alye it þerwith and wiþ yolkes of ayren. Do þerto safroun and salt, and messe it forth with powdour douce.

My Redaction:

6 pints of butternut squash, peeled, cleaned, and cut into 1/2"-1" cubes
12 oz pork loin
1 qt. beef stock
2 small onions, minced
2 egg yolks, beaten
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp salt
1 pinch saffron

Bring beef stock to a boil in a pot, add pork and reduce to a simmer for 20 minutes, turning as necessary to achieve even cooking. Remove pork from stock and add squash, onions, and egg yolks. Add the saffron and half the salt and bring to a strong simmer.

When the pork has cooled enough to work with, process it on the coarsest setting of a meat grinder, or mince with a knife. Add it back to the simmering squash.

When the pottage has simmered for about 90 minutes, or when the chunks of squash have started to break down and the broth is thick, check the salting and add more to taste. Serve with cinnamon and nutmeg sprinkled on each bowl.

Serves 8.


The sweet spices take this from a mundane dish to an engaging one. I have tried it without them, but it is much better with.

The choice of what gourd to use in medieval recipes is always imprecise; I have opted for a gourd that has the right flavor and texture for the dish.

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