Saturday, November 11, 2017

To Fry Beans in the English Way

From A Proper new booke of CookeryEngland, 1545:

Take your Beanes and boyle them and put them into a fryenge pan with a disshe of butter & one or two onyons and so let them fry tyll they be browne all together / than cast a lytell salt upon them / & than serue them forth.

My Redaction:

4 14 oz. cans butter beans, drained
3 medium onions, diced
6 tbs butter

3/4 tsp salt, or to taste

Put a large frying pan on medium high heat. Sautée onions in butter until softened and not yet browned. Mix in beans and reduce heat to medium. Fry for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally but letting the beans and onions brown generously. Salt to taste.

Serves 10.


A simple tasty dish. The beans develop an almost bready consistency.

What type of bean to use is ambiguous; some other redactors use fava beans, but their distinctive flavor is not so clearly a part of Tudor English cuisine. Butter beans are new world, but seem like a reasonable proxy for whatever innocuous beans the English used.

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